24 December 2007


Krakow, Poland. Nov'05.
The other day i was in a dinner with my work' mates! That's common in this terrorist land!
The dinner was full of crazy situations; asking the most exquisite dishes, the best flavour wine, the most expensive liquor, ...
Once per year the boss pay so we should make the most of it, shoudn't we?
Having the dinner i realized that for many people the only way to have fun is just getting drunk!
It remind me to HK! Poor girl, needing alcohol to get fun, so boring was ur own life to need it everytime? It say a ton about u!
Ah no! Sorry, i'm the boring fella cause i don't need it!
It was funny, good time!
However i'll enjoy xmas having great cocktails and great cz beer!!!
Marry christmas everyone!
Joyeux Noël!
Feliz navidad!
Frohe weihnachten!
Stastne vanoce!
Веселое Рождество!
Merry عيد الميلاد

19 December 2007


Barna (Barcelona), Catalunya. July'07
Justicia Poética!
Cuanto más tengo de lo que todo el mundo tiene,
…menos tengo de lo que sólo yo tenía,
…menos soy,
Poetical justice!
The more i have of what everyone has,
…less i have of what only i had,
…less i am,
Stolen from Sibi!

07 October 2007


Bizerte, Tunisia. Afrika. Oct'04
Today, Sunday, i feel like a child!
I feel like a child because i have a sweet!
A very nice sweet!!!
But after hearing many times...
... ... be careful, the sweets could causes you caries!!!! ... ...
What the hell!?
Finally it have became part of me as well!
So ... ...
Tomorrow, Monday, i'm going to leave that sweet abandoned!
Abandoned like a dog!
Giving it up like a rat!!!
Just i wanna think someone will enjoy it!
However, i wanna eat it myself!!!!!!!!!

13 September 2007


Barna (Barcelona), Catalunya. July'07

Oh tonight, oh tonight, oh tonight
I got it really bad
Maybe I'll go out walking, don't feel like staying home
Might take the car up to the hills, and watch the city lights below
Yes tonight, ah tonight, oh tonight
I got it really bad
Maybe I should call her, ah but then she'll know
Just want to drive out into the night, and see where that road goes
Ah tonight, oh tonight, yes tonight
I'm feeling low
Ah the restlessness that's in me, don't do me any good
I know i really should stay home tonight, but I don't think that i could
Not tonight, not tonight, no not tonight
I got it really bad
Not tonight, not tonight, you won't find me tonight
I got it really bad
Artist: Richard Hawley Album: Coles Corner Year: 2005 Title: Tonight
Given by Iggy Sk

25 August 2007

Groucho Marx

Salthill, Co. Galway. October'06
A great humorist have died few days ago! Let's tribute to him some lines of his own property!

When i invite a woman to dinner, i expect her to look at my face! That's the price she has to pay!!!

Every time i get romantic with you, you want to talk about business. I don't know there's something about me that brings out the business in every woman!
A night at the opera (1935)
.A woman can smell mink through six inches of lead.
Double dynamite (1951)
Ok, i do apologize for this "................" humor, so let's write down something more ".............."
W: Tomorrow we start tearing down the college.
P: But Professor, where will the students sleep?
W: Where they always sleep, in the classroom.
I married your mother because i wanted children. Imagine my disappointment when you arrived.
Horse fearthers (1932)
Clear? Huh! Why a 4-year-old child could understand this report. Run out and find a 4-year-old child. I can't make head or tail outof it.
Don't look now, but there's one man too many in this room, and i think it's you.
Gentlemen, Chicolini here may talk like an idiot and look like an idiot, but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot. I implore you, send him back to his father and brothers who are waiting for him with open arms in the penitenciary.
Duck soup (1933)
Either he's dead or my watch has stopped.
I'm too busy right now. I'll tell you what. I'll put the "O" on now and come back later for the "K".
A day at the races (1937)

03 August 2007

I am the boss!!!

Bizerte, Tunisia. Sep'04
"No, listen to me, I am the boss! We will do what I say!"
We cannot all of us agree all of the time, but how can we solve such problems?
Perhaps by communication?

Written by : Padraig Irl

31 July 2007

Warming up?

Salthill, Co. Galway. Ireland. June'06

Such good weather these days in Europe!
What's better than to spend our spare time talking with friends while holding a beer!?

26 July 2007

Santiago's Day

Cuesta San Francisco, Vitoria-Gasteiz. July'07
Yesterday, 25th July, it's a nice day on my home city because it's a special day, where everyone buys garlics for all the year round!

And it has been much more a special day because i don't remember when was my last time being in here!!!

Kutxi kalea, Vitoria-Gasteiz. July'07

03 July 2007

Next meet

Downtown, Krakow, Pl. Nov'05

Enseguida formaremos otra vez el trio calatrava, q peligro!!!
J. xq me miras con esa d cara d peluche abandonado, usalo con las mujeres!!!
S. cuanto tardo en caer otro mate?

X cierto, alguien se acuerda del nombre d ese lugar?

Someone remenber that place's name?

02 July 2007

Being drunk

Comune de Cisliano, Milano. Sep'06

My God! That useful is for the meditative people to learn of the drunk ones.
Dios mio! Q útil es para los meditativos aprender de los ebrios.

Franz Kafka.

28 June 2007

"Salam der balk ala halak"

Bourguiba gate, Place de la victorie, Tunis, sep'04

I want to start this aventure with a open door to everyone who wish join to it.
Just i wish that step by step this going getting better,
thanks as from u guys as from, of course...

Quiero comenzar esta aventura con una puerta abierta a todo aquel q se quiera apuntar.
Solo espero q poco a poco esto vaya subiendo el nivel,
tanto d la compañia como sobre todo...