24 December 2007


Krakow, Poland. Nov'05.
The other day i was in a dinner with my work' mates! That's common in this terrorist land!
The dinner was full of crazy situations; asking the most exquisite dishes, the best flavour wine, the most expensive liquor, ...
Once per year the boss pay so we should make the most of it, shoudn't we?
Having the dinner i realized that for many people the only way to have fun is just getting drunk!
It remind me to HK! Poor girl, needing alcohol to get fun, so boring was ur own life to need it everytime? It say a ton about u!
Ah no! Sorry, i'm the boring fella cause i don't need it!
It was funny, good time!
However i'll enjoy xmas having great cocktails and great cz beer!!!
Marry christmas everyone!
Joyeux Noël!
Feliz navidad!
Frohe weihnachten!
Stastne vanoce!
Веселое Рождество!
Merry عيد الميلاد

19 December 2007


Barna (Barcelona), Catalunya. July'07
Justicia Poética!
Cuanto más tengo de lo que todo el mundo tiene,
…menos tengo de lo que sólo yo tenía,
…menos soy,
Poetical justice!
The more i have of what everyone has,
…less i have of what only i had,
…less i am,
Stolen from Sibi!