31 July 2007

Warming up?

Salthill, Co. Galway. Ireland. June'06

Such good weather these days in Europe!
What's better than to spend our spare time talking with friends while holding a beer!?

26 July 2007

Santiago's Day

Cuesta San Francisco, Vitoria-Gasteiz. July'07
Yesterday, 25th July, it's a nice day on my home city because it's a special day, where everyone buys garlics for all the year round!

And it has been much more a special day because i don't remember when was my last time being in here!!!

Kutxi kalea, Vitoria-Gasteiz. July'07

03 July 2007

Next meet

Downtown, Krakow, Pl. Nov'05

Enseguida formaremos otra vez el trio calatrava, q peligro!!!
J. xq me miras con esa d cara d peluche abandonado, usalo con las mujeres!!!
S. cuanto tardo en caer otro mate?

X cierto, alguien se acuerda del nombre d ese lugar?

Someone remenber that place's name?

02 July 2007

Being drunk

Comune de Cisliano, Milano. Sep'06

My God! That useful is for the meditative people to learn of the drunk ones.
Dios mio! Q útil es para los meditativos aprender de los ebrios.

Franz Kafka.